Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Formative Loop Math Warm Up

  Since I have started teaching math, I have struggled to find the best warm up for my kids and what they need to help them become successful. Until one day, I stumbled upon Formative Loop.  It has been the quickest and easiest way for my kids to get a repetition of math skills every day. My kids enjoy doing too. They looked forward to moving up levels and they LOVE the homework part. My kids love coming in knowing that they will as they call it "warm up their brain" for the day.

Formative Math also breaks down each skill math individually. For example, if a student did not pass the mixed addition test, Formative Loop starts them off at addition using zero's, then one's, then two's, etc... and builds confidence each day in that student.

Check out this video!

Formative Math is quick and easy to use. You just have to start using it. 

If you have any questions ask below.

Friday, October 12, 2018


Quizizz has been a game changer in my classroom for review skills.

 If are unfamiliar with Quizzes it's a company that "creates review tools that help students learn at their own pace and celebrate together"

Educators, parents, anyone can create any quiz about a certain subject. There are many options to create your own quiz that can fit your students' learning needs.

Here is a quick how-to for creating an account on Quizizz...(SO EASY TO DO)

The website for Quizizz is https://quizizz.com/ you can can click this link to Quizizz

 When you so to the homepage, click the green button for sign up.

Another screen will then pop up asking you to sign in with a Google account or any email you have.

You will then have three options whether you are an educator, learner, or parent.

If you are neither of those you can click the link "I'm not connected to a school" which means you get to skip the part of connecting to an organization. For most educators that means connect your school to Quizizz. 

After you choose how you are using Quizizz follow the next couple of steps to complete the process.

When you are into Quizizz your home screen looks like this 

From here you can search for a certain quiz or look at the most popular quizzes.

By your name at the top you have options to "Create a Quiz","Find a Quiz",  View Reports, Collections, and of course create your own MEMEs for your kids that pop while your kids are taking a quiz. 

Let's look at Create a Quiz......

On your homepage, under your name click,  this page will pop up and you feel in all of your information for your quiz.
One of the best things about creating a quiz is you can align to your states standards for any subject. Which helps other educators know what your quiz is about. 

Once you feel in your information,  you can will see a screen like this one below. From here, you can create your questions, edit the name of your quiz then add your quiz image if you did not add it to the earlier screen.

If you click create new question this screen pops up. It's really simple to enter a questions and if you mess up on one..you can go back to edit it after you have published it. 

              One of the neatest features is that you can insert an image (see below) instead of typing the question out. I like this feature personally since it can be time consuming to type if you have a long quiz to make. 

When you finish creating your questions, you will click on "Finish Quiz"
When you have published your quiz, it is ready for your students to play or other educators to enjoy.

I hope you enjoy Quizizz in your classroom.
If you have any questions ask below!